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Can Leadership Skills Be Learned?

Contrary to what you might assume, great leaders aren’t born overnight. Read on for ten skills leadership training can help you hone, to take your career to the next level.

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Contrary to what you might assume, great leaders aren’t born overnight. Instead, most leadership skills are learned. If you’ve been wanting to hone the skills you need to snag your first leadership role or enhance your abilities in a current one, this may be fantastic news for you. 

Need a little help getting started learning those skills though? Leadership training is an excellent resource for anyone looking to level up their leadership skills. Experts who specialize in leadership training specifically look at your existing skills and identify where you can stand to improve.  

Here are ten skills that you can hone through leadership training to take your career to the next level.  

10 Leadership Skills You Can Learn

1. Time Management

No matter what stage of your career you’re in, time is your most valuable resource. Learning how to properly invest and allocate this resource to ensure the highest return possible is an invaluable skill for anyone who aspires to leadership. Learning to manage your time wisely will help you see better results, faster. 

2. Decision Making

It’s just a given that decision-making is a skill most effective leaders possess. If you struggle with making decisions, you can further develop your critical thinking and problem-solving skills to amplify your decision-making process. Arootah’s industry experts use the Decision Matrix Tool and Arootah Decision Making Process to show you how it’s done.

3. Communication

Being an effective communicator is a valuable skill for any professional. If you can enhance your communication skills, you can ensure that your team always understands exactly what you’re trying to say, your goals for them/the organization, and how you’re going to get there. In fact, nearly 200 global leaders in a Harvard Business Review report listed communication as one of the top ten most important leadership competencies. Report respondents noted that a good leader is one who “clearly communicates expectations” and “communicates often and openly.” 

4. Accountability

A huge weak spot for so many leaders is accountability. If you can learn how to hold yourself—and others—accountable, then you can set yourself apart from the subpar leaders around you. 

5. Negotiation

Do you think that all great communicators are great negotiators? Think again. Negotiation is its own skill and it’s very important for leaders to learn it. Negotiation can help you get everyone what they need to ensure success for your company or organization. 

6. Goal Setting

How are you going to lead your team to greatness if you don’t have a plan or roadmap? Goal setting is the process of creating that roadmap, so your team can most easily reach your organization’s larger goals. From day-to-day goals to long term aspirations, leadership training can help you learn how to look at your big picture goals and break them down into a timeline of smaller, short term goals. 

7. Project Planning

Even if you think you’ll have a detailed project manager on your team who can put your goals into motion, project planning is still a valuable skill for any leader. The better you can communicate and explain project goals to your team, the more in tune you’ll be with what’s going on within your organization and how each member of your team contributes to your organizational goals. 

8. Remote Work Leadership

The COVID pandemic challenged many leaders—old and new. Suddenly, leaders who thrived in a face-to-face environment were forced to learn how to lead from afar. Unfortunately, this is where some leaders failed, and as a result, their organizations did too.

You don’t need to fall prey to similar circumstances, though. Even if your team has fully moved back to the office, honing your remote work leadership skills is important—so you can lead no matter where you or your team members happen to be at any given time. It’s all about proper planning, communication, and rallying your team for the best results possible. 

Think you’re already doing great in the “remote work leadership” department? Think again and take a good hard look at what your team is saying. A 2021 study from the SpiralMethod Leadership Team showed that, while nearly all remote leaders surveyed for the study said they had “a transparent feedback loop between themselves and their direct reports,” that made their remote work environment more effective, less than half of those leaders’ employees felt that that was actually the case.  

9. Leadership Mindset

To be a leader, you have to think like one. Before you can truly master any of the above learned skills, you have to master your own mind. Leadership training can help guide you into an everyday mindset that’s full of possibilities for your future, rather than a mindset in which you feel bogged down by challenges and anxieties. 

10. Managing Procrastination

But before you practice any of the skills above, you have to actually get started! Once you manage your procrastination and begin developing advanced leadership skills, you’ll see how procrastination means squandering that oh-so-important investment of your most valuable resource: time. And once you’ve figured it out for yourself, you can help your team figure it out too.  

The Bottom Line

No matter where you are in your career, you can learn to be a leader if that’s truly your goal. You simply have to overcome procrastination, develop the necessary leadership mindset, then get to work building and developing the skill set every impactful leader needs to succeed. It may sound like a lofty goal, but leadership training can help you break down the process into manageable tasks and steps that guarantee your success.

Arootah Leadership Training is designed by executives for executives (and that includes aspirational executives!) to help you become a better leader—so you can lead your team and organization to new and greater success. Book a free, 30-minute strategy call to discuss your career and leadership goals and to learn how we can help you achieve them. 




Remote Work Works – New Study Indicates 80% of Leaders and Employees Saw Increased Productivity But Highlights Disconnect With Communication and Transparency (SpiralMethod) 

The Most Important Leadership Competencies, According to Leaders Around the World (Harvard Business Review) 

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Chris Zorzi
Chris Zorzi
2 years ago

Letting go and delegating is also an invaluable leadership trait. Small organizations are often held back by managements’ ego and the notion that “ “they know best” especially in sole proprietorship scenarios Often this can lead to disastrous decision making and bad outcomes for the business.

Sometimes this can