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Leadership Development

Empowering teams by focusing on the self-leadership strategies of the individual as they collectively work to propel your company.

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Corporate Leadership Training Programs

Arootah Leadership Development Training is designed by executives for executives, pulling from Rich Bello’s impactful career leading the successful hedge fund Blue Ridge Capital. Our industry experts coach high-achieving executives looking to take their leadership skills to higher levels and harness group dynamics to build stronger, more productive, and resilient teams.

Learn to maximize your influence and create a positive ripple effect throughout the organization.

Discover our actionable strategies that achieve impeccable standards of leadership at all levels of the organization. Through Arootah Leadership Training, you and your team can foster a culture of strong leadership that yields:

  • Maximized time management
  • Actionable accountability strategies
  • Strong communication skills
  • Finely-honed decision-making processes

Our strategies have been successfully refined for over 30 years in the financial sector.

Individual Leadership Training

Hone your leadership skills independently at your own pace.

Team Leadership Training

Develop leadership skills as a team to enhance interpersonal dynamics.

Recalibrate towards greater success.

Prioritize self care logo

Gain a competitive edge.

Adopt a healthier life logo

Make your problems solvable.

Amplify your business identity.

Leadership Development Focus Areas

Time Management

Time is your most precious resource, so be mindful of how you spend it. Allocate your time more effectively, with strategies and tools to optimize the return on every hour. The goal: To accomplish even more exceptional results, in less time.


The success of any business is directly correlated to the quality of its decision making. In our leadership training, we discuss the topics of critical thinking, problem-solving, and the impact cognitive bias has on our judgement. We also discuss the Arootah Decision Making Process that is available with our Decision Matrix Tool.


As a leader, you are only as effective as your communication skills that allow you to understand and be understood across the team, clearly and effectively. It’s all about communicating expertise across the organization – and scaling your intelligence company-wide. Master writing, listening, speaking, and negotiation skills to clearly relay — and take in — the most effective thinking.


Once you have the plan, the key to execution is accountability. There are 4 levels of accountability.

  • Upwards – holding the leader accountable
  • Downwards – holding subordinates accountable
  • Sideways – holding peers and teammates accountable
  • Internal – holding yourself accountable

Each have their own unique challenges and strategies crucial for accomplishing more than ever before.


To negotiate well is to be able to understand – and communicate — your counterpart’s point of view as well as or better than they can. It’s from there that everyone feels understood, and that you can help deliver a win-win result. Whether you are negotiating a contract or talking compensation, roles or terms, we can help you get to a mutually beneficial outcome.

Goal Setting

Goals are the subsets of the mission. They are the gateway to peak performance: Goals unleash talent. They motivate, boost productivity, and create an intense sense of purpose through actionable and achievable steps. Through our proven step-by-step goal setting process, we help you elevate your firm’s outcomes through a systematic approach to goal setting.

Project Planning

Your company’s mission is a lofty ideal without a cohesive, well-designed, written plan and goals to map the way to achievement. We’ll teach you how to design outstanding plans that are strategic, agile, and that the team can rally around – helping you accomplish your bigger mission, one goal at a time. Productivity increases exponentially as a result of understanding and applying the principles of efficient and effective planning. The team is motivated by the clarity of their roles and resources become efficiently allocated and utilized.

Remote Work Culture

As you strive to meet the high demands of modern, remote business, we’ll help you work even more effectively from behind a screen with a team dispersed in various locations. You will become even more effective from afar and reap the benefits from a dispersed workforce as you mitigate cognitive biases that emerge from remote work. We offer collaboration strategies that make remote work more fulfilling and productive.

Mindsets of a Leader

A mindset is the cognitive perception you bring to a project before even diving in – and it can make it or break it from day one. We’ll help you adopt the mindsets necessary to successfully lead a team that sees vision, isn’t clouded by challenge, and ultimately is committed to excellence. Our essential skills help you apply various mindsets that prepare and inspire you to the meet the challenges of leading an organization driving collective success from your team and yourself.


We’ll help you manage procrastination by first understanding the reasons why people procrastinate. Then, you’ll learn how to apply proven strategies to overcome this insidious thief of productivity; how to optimize your performance with mindful procrastination; and how to overcome the most harmful form of procrastination: goals without deadlines.

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Leadership Development Trainings: Frequently Asked Questions

Who are your clients, and what do you do for them?

Our clients come from hedge funds, investment banks, law firms, agencies, and creative fields, but our consulting capabilities expand beyond those industries.

If you agree that you have control over your outcomes, then we want to work with you. We help optimize nearly every aspect of business, wellness, personal and professional development.

What kind of “success” are you talking about?

We go far beyond business success. Depending on where you want to improve, our team can help you reach your most ambitious goals in personal and professional life. Common client goals:

  • Achieving great work-life balance
  • Finding your company mission
  • Fulfilling a greater purpose
  • Refocusing your talent
  • Pursuing exciting opportunities
  • Empowering your employees

How do corporate leadership training programs improve the work environment?

There are measurable impacts of training! Previous research shows that companies who provided coaching to executives saw improved productivity, quality, organizational strength, and shareholder value. They also received fewer customer complaints and better executive retention. Executives who had been coached had an average ROI 6x the cost of coaching!

Will I get a business strategy?

Yes, our business advisors are eager to provide you with a personalized strategy that works! They’re committed to helping you optimize a business plan, find actionable tactics, and support you during implementation. Business advisory services are perfect for those looking to grow a business or better market their products.

Where does leadership development training take place?

We’re 100% online so we can easily connect when it works best for you. The program is safe, secure, and confidential. Our clients and consultants are working hard to make incredible things happen.