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Transform Your Leaders with Coaching

Prioritizing wellness is the best investment you can make for your business.
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How can you hold on to the best leaders in your company for the long haul? Optimize them to make them even better! One simple but effective way to optimize your leaders is by investing in them. Employees who feel valued enough to be invested in will find even more fulfillment in the work they do. By taking charge of their overall wellbeing, you’ll be creating a talented team from the inside out.

Corporate wellness coaching is an easy and effective way to invest in your team. Taking care of your employees’ physical, mental, and emotional health helps ensure you have the best team possible. Here are some ways coaching can benefit your team.

Cultivating mindfulness

You and your employees’ brains do not work best when they run at full speed all day long. Therefore, it’s highly beneficial to take short, but adequate mindfulness breaks throughout the day. Mindfulness is the practice of awareness, and strengthening your perception of reality makes you a better leader.

Mindfulness breaks can be anything that gets you out of your head and back into your body. They can be as simple as taking a walk outside or doing some yoga stretches by your desk. Anything that helps bring calm, awareness, and clarity to your day can be a mindful activity.

For many high-achieving leaders and employees, this can be a difficult habit to get into. There is a near-constant stream of emails, deadlines, and projects. At first, it may be hard to take time away from urgent tasks to get a breath of fresh air or take a stretch break. But the benefits of mindfulness are immeasurable!

Companies who prioritize mindfulness in the workplace often find that productivity increases while stress-related injuries decrease. The company culture also improves due to increased levels of awareness, compassion, and calm among employees. Showing your team that mindfulness is a priority in your workplace will demonstrate that you value their overall wellbeing. They will feel valued for what they contribute, not just for what they produce.

READ: How to Declutter Your Mind for Optimal Productivity

Preventing burnout

Workplace burnout is at near epidemic levels in the current climate. In fact, the World Health Organization determined “burnout” to be an occupational phenomenon in 2019. Burnout isn’t merely a feeling; it’s a psychological syndrome. It creates feelings of exhaustion, depletion, cynicism, and irritability around one’s work. It lowers an employee’s productivity and job satisfaction.

Coaching is the recharge you need to refresh your mind. Burnout can be prevented by keeping a careful pulse on your team. It begins by addressing issues and asking insightful questions to get the real story of how they’re feeling about their projects, workload, and sense of control over their work. Taking some time to hit pause, regroup, and prioritize community for your team members will help guide them away from burnout.

Avoiding and preventing burnout is absolutely essential to mold your company’s leaders. It takes time to develop well-rounded leaders, but if they experience burnout too often, they won’t feel like their workplace is meeting their needs. Take drastic action to prevent burnout, so you can hang on to the phenomenal leaders your company needs. Coaching allows reflection on issues and establishes future steps to make your company a better place to work. A coach will establish a positive culture that supports employees’ needs and desires.

Optimizing physical health

Your physical and psychological health are deeply connected. Prioritizing the physical health of your team is a powerful way to increase their effectiveness as leaders. Taking care of your employees’ physical health is how you sharpen their minds and skills at work. It helps them feel connected and energized throughout their bodies, which in turn improves productivity and effectiveness.

The lack of offices and commutes has taken a hit on our steps per day. A coach bridges the gap between how much your leaders are currently moving and how they should be moving. It is easy to say, “Walk more each day”, but taking action is an entirely different challenge. A coach will discover the root cause of what is preventing you and your team from moving and will redesign a daily lifestyle to encourage movement naturally.

Prioritizing physical health through exercise, massage, nutrition, and mindfulness is ideal to prevent long-term disease and injuries. You’ll save on the cost of employee healthcare by creating an environment that encourages them to take the best care of themselves.

One of the ways to develop the best leaders you can is to invest in making your team healthier overall. You can’t neglect physical wellbeing if you want well-rounded leaders.

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Building camaraderie

Whether your team is remote, in person, or a hybrid, a sense of camaraderie is essential to building exceptional leadership within your organization. People will be more inclined to invest in something long-term if they feel there is a sense of purpose behind it.

Building a sense of community in your organization can be tricky if it isn’t already there. This is where coaching comes in. Learning how to offer support, set an example, and cultivate camaraderie is essential for influential leaders. Your team will feel more grounded and dedicated to the company purpose when they see that you are in the trenches with them. Offering team coaching is a great way to include multiple teammates in a coach’s initiatives and pump up morale.

Improving productivity and performance

Overall, investing in the wellness of your team will improve the productivity and performance of your leaders. As people learn to delegate and rise in the ranks of an organization, they can feel stagnant.  These leaders simply need coaching to discover new and more advanced ways they can contribute to the organization. Along the way, you’ll likely experience a rise in creativity, positive company culture, and ingenuity from the leaders you are building.

Eliminate the talent “left on the table” that can come from proximity differences. Build your leader’s talents, don’t allow them to squander their skills because they are out of sight. Continuously improving your leaders results in a positive company culture that is essential for the productivity and performance of your team.

READ: Eliminate Proximity Bias Cultivating a Results-Oriented Corporate Culture

The bottom line

Prioritizing your leaders’ wellbeing is the best investment you can make for your business. When your team members feel like a priority, it makes them much more inclined (and happy) to stay in their current position. Employees that you invest in will want to invest right back into the company. It’s easy to take pride in your work when you know it also takes pride in you.

The power of coaching can truly transform your organization. Even if every leader in your organization only experiences a small amount of the benefits of coaching, the whole company will have exponential improvements. The employees will be more attuned to the realities of your business externally and internally. Burnout will be a thing of the past and a coach can hold them accountable for improving their physical health. Teamwork will improve with morale as the delineation between people becomes more unified towards the company mission.

A major factor in employee retention is lack of career growth. Give your leaders the gift of change with new goals and skills to work towards. Give them a sense of purpose and a new horizon. Raise their standards with coaching, and they can experience new heights of success at your organization.

Not sure where to start? Fill out our intake form to talk to our executive coaching team. Start working on a plan the fits your team perfectly!

Sources: -cultivating-a-results-oriented-corporate-culture/

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2 years ago

Wellness is so important to consider in the modern workplace. How people feel can have a huge impact on their quality of work. Taking the time to instill wellness offerings in any organization makes a big difference and will surely help with employee retention and overall satisfaction.

2 years ago

Agreed! Leadership is vital to any organization and the best way to support them is with coaching!

2 years ago

Burn out is real and so overlooked. It can really slow down your progress. Watch out!

Arlo Peace
Arlo Peace
2 years ago

I was just looking for means of improving the performance of our leadership team. This article is a great start