Blog > Reduce Sick Days and Absenteeism with Strategic Employee Wellness Initiatives

Reduce Sick Days and Absenteeism with Strategic Employee Wellness Initiatives

Cut costs and make an impact
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You may notice increased employee absences throughout the year, not just during peak illness seasons. As employees face increased illness, taking sick days can help them get better faster while ensuring they don’t pass on their illness to their colleagues — but this absenteeism is still not ideal for most organizations. Not only does frequent illness within the workplace cost organizations money, but it can also reduce morale.

However, with the right employee health and corporate wellness initiatives, you can lessen the impact of sick days by reducing the overall number of sick days your teams need while benefiting employees’ long-term health. Here’s how to craft an organizational health program that makes an impact.

Understanding the Cost of Sick Days

But why should you care about your teams’ sick days? According to one report, the average adult becomes ill three times per year, and surveys show that most take two to three sick days per year, although nearly 10% may take up to 20 sick days per year or more.

Employee absences contribute to total absenteeism in the U.S., which is $225.8 billion ($1,685 per employee). Even presenteeism—working while sick—reduces productivity, costing U.S. employers up to $250 billion annually.

Key Components of a Strategic Wellness Program

To avoid these costs, organizations can consider implementing a strategic wellness program to keep employees healthy, reducing overall sick days and increasing overall employee health (and thus productivity).

For a truly impactful wellness program, you must consider three key components.

Physical Wellness

Even basic, simple exercise routines are expected to increase immunity. This is partly due to the rise in body temperature, the reduction of stress, and the changes in antibodies and white blood cells that all occur when you exercise. Moderate activity that produces these benefits can range from daily half-hour walks to short bicycle rides a few times per week.

Offering the resources your employees need to get this moderate exercise can make it easier for them to do so. Provide gym memberships or on-site fitness classes, conduct in-office health screenings, and ensure flexibility for midday walks and movement breaks.

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Mental and Emotional Health

Poor mental and emotional health can lead to increased absenteeism. In fact, one study found that mental health-related absenteeism was up by a third in 2023.

Support your teams’ mental and emotional health through mental health days, mindfulness training, and employee assistance programs.

Nutritional Health

Lastly, nutritional health likewise impacts immunity and productivity. Certain dietary choices can lead to more energized, clear-thinking, engaged employees, while others can do the opposite. It’s been found that unhealthy eaters are nearly 70% likely to report productivity losses. According to the USDA, healthier eating could help prevent $71 billion per year in lost productivity and medical costs.

Equip teams to make smart dietary decisions by providing nutritious snacks in the workplace, holding educational nutrition workshops, and/or providing access to dietitians.

Implementing a Successful Wellness Program

As you begin implementing your wellness program, be sure that you consider your employees’ unique needs. Inclusivity and diversity are of special concern, as health disparities may exist among marginalized groups. For example, rates of chronic disease and premature death are higher in racial and ethnic minorities in the United States. Recognizing these disparities is crucial for creating an effective wellness program. Offer wellness initiatives that are culturally sensitive and accessible to all.

As you roll out your wellness program, ensure you have buy-in from leadership. Engagement starts at the top and works its way down. Make it easy for employees to engage and ensure that your program is accessible to all employees, whether they’re in-office, hybrid, or remote.

Along the way, gather employee feedback and measure the program’s success by tracking sick days and whether they’re reduced and self-reported improvements in employee health. Then, make any necessary changes accordingly.

Unsure if measures like the above can really make a difference? Multiple case studies show the positive impact these changes can have. For example, one property management firm reduced its sickness-related absenteeism rate from nearly 7% to about 2% in four years by promoting healthy living at work. Another organization reduced absenteeism by 35% by simply changing absence management and providing medical guidance to employees to help them navigate illnesses.

The Bottom Line

Employee sick days can lead to substantial costs for your company. You can effectively reduce absenteeism and enhance productivity by prioritizing nutrition, physical activity, and mental health in the workplace and facilitating healthier employee choices.

Consider investing in wellness initiatives as a critical component of your comprehensive employee health strategies. Looking for guidance? Discover Arootah’s corporate wellness program today and book a free consultation call to get started.

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