Blog > Simple, Yet Surprising Stress Management Tips and Techniques

Simple, Yet Surprising Stress Management Tips and Techniques

Although stress may be coming from external sources, it often manifests in our physical body — therefore, we need a physical way to release it.
Doing Tai Chi on the Beach

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While stress can originate from external factors like work or personal situations, its effects are often felt physically in the form of chronic pain, injuries, disease, or other health ailments.

To combat these manifestations of stress, it’s essential to adopt effective physical stress management techniques. Here are our top ten recommendations for physically managing stress.

1. Breathe Slowly from the Belly

Science has long demonstrated the relationship between deep breathing and stress management. Breathing deeply and from your belly triggers your body to engage with your parasympathetic nervous system and release stress. Think of it like a “deactivate” button on a bomb. You’ll feel calmer and in control with just a few deep breaths.

2. Get a Thai Massage

If you need help de-stressing your body, consider getting a Thai massage. During a Thai massage, a professional moves your body through different poses to dramatically stretch and massage it. The result: intense muscle relaxation. Popular among athletes, Thai massages can also improve circulation, range of motion, and energy levels.

3. Spend Time in Nature

Research has demonstrated that immersing oneself in nature, or even simply viewing images of nature, can significantly aid in relaxation for both the brain and body. This concept, often referred to as “forest therapy” or “shinrin-yoku,” involves spending intentional time in forested areas to reap the therapeutic benefits of nature. Studies have shown that forest therapy can reduce cortisol levels, the hormone primarily responsible for stress.

Moreover, the benefits of nature exposure extend to physical health, as it can lower blood pressure, improve immune function, and increase energy levels.

4. Surround Yourself with Positive People

Surrounding yourself with positive people can significantly aid in managing stress. Positive individuals often exude an uplifting energy that can be contagious, helping to elevate your mood and outlook on life. This supportive environment can also foster personal growth and development as you learn from the positive traits and habits of those around you.

Whether it’s your closest friends or family, identify who inspires you and helps you feel your best and spend more time with them.

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5. Try Aerobic Exercise: Running, Biking, Dancing

Finding an aerobic exercise you love and incorporating it into your routine could be a game changer for your stress management.

Aerobic exercise releases endorphins in your body, serves as a moving meditation practice, and counteracts the effects of stress. It also mimics the effects of stress, allowing your body to follow through on its fight-or-flight instincts, which is probably why it’s so effective in helping you manage it. Instead of keeping all that excess energy within, you get to release it in a healthy and fun way.

6. Do Anaerobic Exercise: Pilates, Yoga, Weightlifting

Anaerobic exercise, such as Pilates, requires short bursts of activity. Pilates is a low-impact way to get some physical activity in, stretch your body, and gain strength while still relieving stress. Try taking a Pilates or yoga class at a local studio or an online class from the comfort of your home.

7. Practice Corpse Pose

Yoga is an excellent form of physical activity, but one of the most effective poses for stress management may surprise you. Corpse Pose, also known as the Final Relaxation Pose (or savasana), can lower your blood pressure, decrease muscle tension, and provide an outlet for stress in your body.

Most yoga classes end with this pose because it allows your mind and body to process and relax after a yoga sequence, so make sure you take the time to do a yoga sequence first and don’t skip the corpse pose at the end of your practice.

8. Try Tai Chi

Although instructors originally taught Tai Chi for self-defense, many people now use it to reduce stress. Based on a graceful and meditative series of movements from Chinese culture, Tai Chi has been shown to help people relax and focus on their breathing.

When you’re involved in a Tai Chi class, you may enjoy focusing on something as simple as moving your body into different positions, and you can reduce physical stress due to the movement.

9. Play Team Sports

If you’re a fan of watching a game or going to the stadium, why not try playing a sport yourself? Playing a sport releases endorphins in your body, which are chemicals in your brain that relieve pain and stress. Sports also help you release cortisol and adrenaline, other stress hormones in your body.

10. Practice Progressive Muscular Relaxation

Try progressive muscular relaxation if you’re feeling truly overwhelmed by stress and need a dramatic way to relieve tension. This practice involves tensing one muscle group as tight as you can for 10 to 20 seconds, then releasing.

Try starting from your toes and working your way up until you’re tensing your whole body for several seconds. Progressive muscular relaxation often leaves your mind feeling more relaxed, too.

The Bottom Line

Since the mind-body connection is so strong, engaging with your body can help you manage the mental stress in your life. Learning to listen to your body and give it what it needs takes practice, so go easy on yourself and try different stress management techniques to see what works for you.

Having an outside perspective can also help. If you want to create healthier habits, Arootah Health Coaches can support you in making positive changes by identifying your challenges and helping you address them through self-accountability. Get started with a free introductory call today.

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