Blog > Chapter 8: Leadership During Times of Crisis – The Mindsets

Chapter 8: Leadership During Times of Crisis – The Mindsets

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If you eat a live frog first thing in the morning you have it behind you for the rest of the day and nothing else looks so bad.” –  Mark Twain

NOW THAT WE HAVE THE BASICS behind both how and why is it best to instill Positive Mindsets, we can examine some of the most effective leadership mindsets that we can apply during our lives and especially in times of crisis – this the hardest time to do it, which also means it’s the most rewarding. So, we will set the bar high here to achieve the greatest growth and fulfillment. That is the Crisitunity Opportunity Set here for us all. But, before we can understand what a Crisitunity Mindset entails, we must first comprehend these nine other mindsets.

PROACTIVITY IS THE MINDSET of taking responsibility and initiative to improve your circumstances. Proactive behaviors include prevention, goal setting, leadership, developing foresight, planning, preparing, and engaging. Proactivity is, at first, a discipline that becomes a habit and mindset. Humans have a need to wield influence; when they are unable to do so, they begin to feel hopeless and uninspired. The antidote for hopelessness is proactively. Proactivity, like all healthy habits, fits neatly within the framework of human needs. It builds esteem and self-worth.

The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope.” – Barack Obama

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