Otherwise known as the “feel-good hormone,” your body’s dopamine plays a key role in building positive habits. Unfortunately, it can also play a role in forming bad habits. Fortunately, harnessing the power of dopamine via habit stacking and creating a dopamine menu can help you more easily reach your goals, foster healthy behaviors, increase productivity, and enhance overall well-being.
Intrigued? Here’s what you need to know about using dopamine for positive habit formation and how to create your own dopamine menu that promotes positive habits.
What is Dopamine and How Does it Impact Your Habits?
Before we can discuss harnessing dopamine to build better habits, it’s important to understand what dopamine is and how it works.
As Cleveland Clinic explains, dopamine — sometimes referred to as the “feel good hormone,” the “motivation molecule,” or your brain’s “reward center” — makes you feel pleasure when you’re doing something that your body biologically recognizes as beneficial. However, this biological recognition is based on thousands of years of evolution. It’s not always 100% reliable in identifying what’s valuable to you today in the modern era.
When you eat foods high in fat or sugar, your brain releases dopamine, a feel-good chemical. Your body interprets these foods as rich energy sources, rewarding you for eating them. Despite their lack of health benefits, the dopamine rush can make it easy to crave these foods.
However, you can use this function to your advantage. By giving yourself rewards and positive incentives for completing tasks you normally wouldn’t want to do, you can “trick” your brain into releasing dopamine when completing those tasks, helping you form positive habits as the brain seeks to repeat that dopamine rush and the actions that caused it.
One way to do this is by building a dopamine menu.
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By providing your email address, you agree to receive email communication from ArootahWhat is a Dopamine Menu, and How Can You Build One?
Trending on social media with health and wellness influencers, dopamine menus are, as EatingWell explains, a list of activities you can do to increase your dopamine levels. While studies have found that simply checking something off a to-do list can increase dopamine levels, a dopamine menu goes a step further by only listing items that are good for you. So, for example, you might have “going for a walk” on your menu, but you’d leave something like “eating a candy bar” off. A dopamine menu can be a quick and easy-to-use resource you can reach for whenever you’re feeling particularly low or stressed.
Dopamine menus are divided into five categories: appetizers, main courses, side dishes, desserts, and specials.
Appetizers are quick and easy actions that should take no more than 10 to 15 minutes. These might include walking your dog, drinking lemon water, or meditating at your desk.
Main courses typically require a little more time but also give you a greater dopamine boost. A main course might be meeting with a friend for lunch, taking a yoga class, or getting a deep tissue massage.
Side dishes are quick, productive tasks that can be easily paired with enjoyable activities for a dopamine boost. This is an excellent chance to practice habit stacking. To make these tasks more appealing, combine them with something pleasurable. For instance, unload the dishwasher while tuning into your favorite podcast or sip on a delicious, nutritious smoothie while you tackle your inbox.
Desserts are reward-based and have no productivity component; they might include watching a TV show or scrolling through your favorite Reddit forums. They’re intended to be enjoyed occasionally, just like real desserts, as an indulgence.
Then, the specials part of your menu includes truly “special” items that only come up occasionally, such as going on a trip or attending a special event.
After you’ve decided what items you’ll add to your menu, make your own menu, label it with three to five menu items for each section, and then place it where it’s easy to access in the days and weeks ahead.
Sample Dopamine Menu
- Do a 5-minute stretch
- Listen to your favorite song
- Hug a loved one or pet
- Go on a 30-minute walk in nature
- Read a chapter of an inspiring book
- Cook a wholesome dinner
- Enjoy tea while writing your to-do list
- Listen to an educational podcast while commuting
- Scroll through social media
- Watch a favorite TV show
How to Use a Dopamine Menu to Build Positive Habits
Analyze your chosen dopamine menu items and consider what you aren’t currently doing daily but could be doing to add more happiness to your day. For example, maybe you listed taking a quick walk as an appetizer because it makes you feel great, but you don’t currently make the time for it. This is the time to make it into a habit.
Pressed for time? Start by focusing just on appetizers and side courses.
Interested in learning more about habit building and stacking? Get our full guide to habit building here.
The Bottom Line
Dopamine can be harnessed to establish new, beneficial habits, and one fun way to do this is by creating your own dopamine menu. By doing so, you set yourself up for success in developing positive habits in your routine.
Looking for more help creating positive habits that make you feel your best? Partner with an Arootah Health Coach! Schedule a complimentary introductory call today.
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