While summer is in the rearview, you still might be recovering from the long, hot summer days of lounging by the pool and vacationing with family and friends. While all of this is fine in moderation, sometimes these indulgences can become overindulgences, making it particularly difficult to stay on track with your health goals.
Luckily, things don’t have to stay this way. You can begin living a healthy lifestyle this fall, as you view the changing season as a new opportunity to improve your well-being. One effective way to start out on the right foot? Detoxification. Here are 15 ways to partake in detoxification naturally.
1. Assess Your Current State
Before you make any changes to your lifestyle, start with a self-assessment so that you truly know where you are and where you’d like to be. Where did you overindulge this summer? Did you drink a bit more than you should have? Be honest with yourself. What areas could you focus on and see the most benefits?
2. Set Clear Detox Goals
After understanding your current situation, establish concrete goals for your detox. The more defined your goals, the more effective they’ll be. Determine what a successful detox looks like for you, including the benefits you aim to gain from it, such as enhanced energy, improved digestive health, sharper mental focus, or diminished stress levels.
3. Eliminate Toxins
Then, begin by removing toxins from your lifestyle. Processed foods, alcohol, caffeine, and sugar can all contribute to toxicity in the body, and, if you’ve overindulged in any of the above, you’re likely feeling it.
4. Increase Fiber Intake
Fiber-rich foods can help move your digestive system along, especially if it’s grown sluggish, helping you detoxify your body naturally. Look to add fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to every meal. Not only do fiber-rich foods help you reset your digestive system, but they also help you feel fuller, longer, so you can better avoid tempting toxic foods and drinks.
5. Incorporate Detoxification Foods into Your Diet
Certain foods are known for their detoxifying properties. These include leafy greens, garlic, beets, and avocados. If you can, find seasonal and locally grown detoxification foods to add to your diet this season, such as root vegetables, apples, squash, and pumpkin.
6. Take Detox Baths
Taking a detox bath with Epsom salts, baking soda, and/or essential oils will support natural detoxification through the skin. Better yet, taking a long soak can also relieve stress, making it the perfect addition to your pre-bedtime routine.
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By providing your email address, you agree to receive email communication from Arootah7. Cozy Up with Warm Herbal Teas
Cozy season is almost here and that means curling up with your favorite warm beverage by the fire. Before reaching for a pumpkin spice latte or spiked apple cider, though, try a warm herbal tea that will benefit your body. Teas that include ginger, licorice, cumin, coriander, and/or fennel will help detox your body while also offering relaxation properties.
8. Take Probiotics and Prebiotics
Probiotics and prebiotics are both important to keep your gut working at optimum levels. While you can take probiotic and prebiotic supplements, also look for natural probiotic and prebiotic food sources, such as yogurt, kombucha, kimchi or sauerkraut.
9. Consider a Detoxifying Supplement
Speak with a healthcare professional about recommended, natural supplements that can support your detoxification goals. Options include milk thistle, activated charcoal, and omega-3 fatty acids.
10. Digitally Detox
It’s not just your body that needs to detox. You should detox your mind as well, after a summer of scrolling and posting those great vacay pics.
Reduce your screen time as much as you can. Set specific times to check emails and social media, such as for a half-hour after dinner. Then, put the phone and laptop away for the evening and develop a tech-free bedtime routine that will improve your mental clarity.
11. Visit a Sauna or Steam Room
Head to your local spa or sauna to utilize steam rooms. Certain gyms like Equinox also have steam rooms available for use. The high heat and sweating will help you release toxins stored in your body.
12. Dry Brush Before Showering
One extremely easy detoxification habit you can begin adding into your routine? Purchase a stiff-bristled body brush and, before you shower, dry brush your body. Dry brushing is known to stimulate the lymphatic system, which also helps remove toxins.
13. Prioritize Sleep
Say goodbye to those long summer nights and, as the days get shorter, get into bed earlier. Prioritize adequate sleep by developing a healthy sleep schedule and pre-bedtime routine. Consider also adding teas, foods, and supplements into your diet that support better sleep.
14. Detox Your Emotions
Just as a digital detox will benefit your overall well-being, so will detoxing your emotions. Invest in emotional well-being through adopting habits like journaling, going to therapy, or engaging in hobbies that help release negative emotions.
15. Stay Hydrated
Make sure you get enough water to flush out those toxins (and keep your skin feeling silky-smooth as the air gets drier). Keep a bottle of water nearby so you can sip throughout the day.
The Bottom Line
Embracing the transition from summer to fall presents a prime opportunity to reset and detox your body. Remember, detoxification isn’t just about the physical; it’s a holistic approach that includes your digital habits and emotional health. By implementing these 15 tactics, you’re well-equipped to make this fall a season of transformation and wellbeing.
Looking for more support in reaching your health goals or getting back on track this season? Arootah health coaches can help. See what’s in store when you sign up for a free, introductory health coaching call today.
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