Blog > 5 Ways Corporate Wellness Programs Can Reduce Sick Days and Boost Employee Well-being

5 Ways Corporate Wellness Programs Can Reduce Sick Days and Boost Employee Well-being

Less absenteeism, more productivity
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If your team is experiencing increased absenteeism, you’re not alone—it’s a growing issue nationwide. This problem can create numerous challenges for your organization beyond the immediate hassle of covering for absent team members. Those frequently absent may see a decline in their productivity and engagement. As a result, profits can decrease, and the costs associated with covering for absent employees can rise, compounding the impact on your organization.

Luckily, there’s a way you can drastically reduce absenteeism: with a corporate wellness program. Here are five ways corporate wellness programs can help reduce sick days.

1. Preventative Health Measures

Preventative healthcare involves services like routine medical appointments, screenings, tests, vaccinations, and healthcare education. This proactive approach allows for early detection and management of potential health issues, reducing their impact.

Unfortunately, preventative healthcare is often overlooked and undervalued. When team members become busy, they can ignore the need to get that annual checkup or schedule a lab test. They may not even know that they’re supposed to get certain vaccines regularly or are eligible for specific tests.

Integrating preventative health measures into your corporate wellness solutions helps ensure these measures aren’t overlooked. Facilitate in-office administration of tests and vaccines and give your team the time and resources needed for essential screenings. As a result, you’ll be much less likely to deal with absenteeism related to preventable illnesses.

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2. Physical Activity

If your wellness program promotes physical activity—whether through a coach guiding personalized exercise habits, providing gym memberships, installing ergonomic workstations, or encouraging participation in a walking challenge—you’ll experience reduced absenteeism in the long run.

This is because physical activity is vital to boosting immunity and reducing the risk of chronic illness. According to the CDC, getting enough physical activity each week can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, and infectious diseases such as COVID-19, the flu, and pneumonia.

3. Stress Management

Did you know that stress is one of the biggest sources of absenteeism, according to The HR Director? This is because stressed employees are more likely to become physically ill, as negative stress weakens the immune system, increases inflammation within the body, and can lead to stress-related illnesses, such as inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis, and more. Mitigate this by incorporating stress management resources into your corporate wellness program— such as mindfulness training, mental health days, and access to mental health professionals.

4. Sleep Optimization

Holistic corporate wellness programs often offer sleep-related benefits, like health coaching for sleep issues and education on improving sleep quality. Employees who enhance their sleep work more efficiently and gain immunity-boosting benefits, resulting in fewer sick days.

According to Mayo Clinic, individuals lacking sufficient high-quality sleep are more prone to falling ill after virus exposure and may experience prolonged recovery, leading to increased sick days from work. Over the long term, this sleep deficiency could elevate the risk of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

5. Health Education and Coaching

Lastly, many corporate wellness programs incorporate educational seminars and health coaching, which empower employees to make informed health choices and adopt healthier lifestyles, leading to fewer sick days. Sometimes, it’s not that employees don’t want to be healthier and avoid absenteeism; they just don’t feel they have the knowledge or resources to do so.

The Bottom Line

Investing in corporate wellness programs fosters a healthier workforce, reduces sick days, and boosts productivity. If you don’t currently have a corporate wellness program in place, consider implementing one this year to address absenteeism directly.

Interested in how a corporate wellness program can benefit your organization? Schedule a free introductory call to learn more about our offerings.

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