A recent study revealed 82% of Americans believe it’s important to spend the holidays with family, and for individuals pursuing ambitious holiday goals, a family can be a strong source of encouragement and support. This holiday season, Arootah is committed to showing families how to set goals together. We know that if a goal can be planned, it can be accomplished, which is why we created our 10 Step Success Formula. Though it may be tempting to overlook the category of family when goal planning during the holiday season, families who accomplish goals together, grow together.
Here, we discuss ways families can begin setting, planning, and accomplishing goals based on family roles and values, relationship-building, and family vision.
Family Roles and Values
Roles within a family should be selected with intention. Family members don’t always have to follow assigned roles, and they should question their roles often. The values of every family member should shape how each member contributes to the family.
Consider the types of roles family members might play in a family structure. Should they adjust those roles based on their values? How will their personal beliefs impact how they perform their role?
Some of these roles may include:
- Teacher
- Financial planner
- Visionary
- Caretaker
- Cheerleader
When the roles of a family member don’t line up with their personal values (or interests), it’s time to open up a discussion about the type of roles that they would like to play in the family. It’s important that individual family members approach this conversation with the intention of adding value to the family, rather than shrinking away from family responsibilities.
Planning Time for Family
For any role a family member wishes to take on, they should proactively plan how they’ll show up for this role. This is how everyone can make the biggest impact on family goals with their talents, personality, and chosen values.
Once the roles have been decided, write out action steps for each one:
- Teacher: Teach kids and family a new skill once a month that will help them in the future, such as hobbies, cooking, maintenance work, or life skills.
- Financial planner: Organize weekly or monthly budget planning to outline the family’s current financial status and plan for the future.
- Visionary: Plan out long-term projects or goals for the family. Master the details of a five-year plan, such as moving, vacations, or milestones.
- Caretaker: Solidify the responsibilities of taking care of the needs of other family members, such as food, shelter, or emotional needs.
- Cheerleader: Actively encourage and cheer on family members in their goals and accomplishments. Show up for events, help plan and prepare for large goals, and celebrate milestones.
With the holidays and a new year approaching, now is a great time to assess which roles family members will play in the coming year and how they will show up to fill them. Gather the family together to get an accurate grasp on the gaps that need to be filled and how everyone will contribute to success.
Mending or Improving Family Relationships
Of course, it’s important to acknowledge not all goals centered around family are fun and ambitious. The holidays can make strained family relationships more difficult to deal with and sometimes getting through the holiday season with challenging family dynamics is hard enough in itself. With emotionally tense atmospheres that put family members in proximity to one another, some goals could revolve around mending or improving relationships with family members.
Though every strained family dynamic is different, here are a few things to consider when going into the holiday season:
- Set boundaries: If tensions tend to run high with some family members, remember to set boundaries as early as possible. This could mean arriving and leaving a party at a certain time or explicitly stating that some conversation topics are off-limits.
- Don’t second-guess: When making decisions for the family, don’t second-guess them. Have faith and be intentional.
- Celebrate small wins: It’s important to look for the positive things around difficult family situations. Though relationships may be strained, try to celebrate small wins such as sticking to a boundary, having a pleasant conversation, or not getting riled up by someone else’s behavior.
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Many family members gather and come together during the holiday season. This makes it a good time for the family to discuss personal development goals, accomplishments, or milestones they want to pursue, or other plans to move the family forward into 2023.
Sometimes it’s a good idea to set a theme for the New Year. As a family unit, use this theme as a goal that brings the family closer together. Here are some examples for inspiration:
- A year of music: As a family, use the coming year to explore all types of music. Listen to new albums, go to concerts, or even write music together.
- A year of books: Have everyone read as many books as they can. Plan to read the same book every month or give each other suggestions throughout the year. Make it a year of classics while crossing off each book on the family’s list.
- A year of history: Pursue as much historical knowledge as possible. This could include reading books or watching documentaries, but it might also mean taking trips to museums or historical sites.
Pursuing an activity like this together can help make the family unit a source of support and motivation for individual goals. It can help to create an environment where the family strives together in pursuit of big goals.
The Bottom Line
Though it may be tempting to overlook the category of family when goal planning during the holiday season, families who accomplish goals together, grow together.
Many individuals devote planning, education, and resources to personal and professional goal setting while overlooking the impact family can have on individual goals. As in any other area of life, setting family goals can be another means for individuals to purposefully pursue their life mission.
Learning about goal setting in a workshop is a tangible method you can use to set your family (and yourself!) up for success. That’s why we’re hosting a goal-setting workshop series so you can take your goal-setting work to the next level. Sign up for one of six sessions on personal goals (life, career, and health) and business goals (alternative investment funds, family offices, and service providers for the alternative investment industry) to hit the ground running in the new year.
How’s your goal setting going this holiday season? Will your family have any goals in the coming year? Let us know in the comments.