Blog > Arootah’s Contemplations on Social Injustice and How to Make a Difference

Arootah’s Contemplations on Social Injustice and How to Make a Difference

Arootah’s Contemplations on Social Injustice and How to Make a Difference

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Words have power but actions have more power. We support Black Lives Matter out of a belief in the power of individuals to grow and solve problems through collective and personal actions. Black Lives Matter activists shined a powerful light on the problem of systemic inequity, racism and the oppression faced by the black community. The time to act is now!

We are committed to shedding light on the cause of these biases which result in systemic inequity. We are also committed to supporting iMentor, an organization that champions individual students, predominantly in communities of color, by supporting them on their goal of graduating from college, achieving professional success and beyond. We are part of a community that cares about justice and equity. Please join us on this journey.

iMentor CEO, Mike O’Brien, Reflects on National Protests for Racial Justice. Here is Mike’s statement:

This is just the beginning of what we need to do.

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Lena Imamura
Lena Imamura
4 years ago

This is great! So you’re going to provide coaching tools and mentorship to students through time and financial support? How do we join you on the journey?

Raed Marji
4 years ago
Reply to  Lena Imamura

The best way is to signup for iMentor, they are always on the lookout for qualified mentors.