Blog > How to Negotiate Effectively with Your Boss

How to Negotiate Effectively with Your Boss

How to get the results you desire from your next negotiations meeting, while retaining a positive relationship with your boss.
Make Your Boss Listen to You: 5 Negotiation Tips

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Getting what you want out of your career requires some negotiation, but negotiating with a boss or another superior in your company is easier said than done. Even if you want something that’s not a raise or a promotion—a new chain of command in the office, for example, or better benefits—you’ll need a fair amount of courage to even ask for a meeting in which to negotiate. Then, when it comes time for that meeting to take place? Talk about nerve-wracking.

But you know what they say: You have to ask for what you want to get it.

Below, we outline five ways to get the results you desire from your next negotiation meeting while retaining a positive relationship with your boss.

1. Lay the Groundwork

First, before you even ask for that meeting, you need to lay the negotiation groundwork with your boss. You should begin this process immediately, preferably right when you start your job. But if it’s past that point, you must begin laying the groundwork for future successful negotiations.

Create a communicative mindset and environment in your relationship with your boss. Work on communicating with them often and effectively. Use data, stray from hyperboles, speak directly, and don’t shy away from hard conversations.

2. Know Your Value

When you walk into a negotiation conversation with your boss, come into the situation knowing your value and have the data to back it up.

Did you bring specific deals to your company? Do you have particular client successes under your belt? Know your value, and don’t be afraid to reference your accomplishments. Your boss likely knows your value, but it can help you get what you want if you gently remind them of what they’ve got.

In addition to knowing the value you offer your current boss, mention the value you could bring others as well. What is the market value for someone with your experience? Keep that figure handy in case you need to reference it.

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3. Get Out of Your Own Way

If you have cognitive biases, you could be standing in your own way when it comes to negotiating effectively. For example, if you have a self-serving internal bias, you might automatically assume that if you do all the right things, all good things will happen to you, and bad things are out of your control. This bias could prevent you from taking responsibility for issues on your team and could impact your ability to secure a raise or promotion.

Rather, demonstrate to your boss that you have the emotional maturity they’re looking for when doling out raises, promotions, or anything else you might negotiate.

4. Remain Professional and Respectful

This tip ought to be a given, but it bears repeating. It’s essential to remain professional and respectful when negotiating with a boss. Not doing so can completely turn your boss off to negotiations and severely damage your credibility, regardless of your value to your team.

5. Don’t Give Up Right Away

Lastly, it’s important to realize that if your boss does say deny your request, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re saying no to all negotiations. In fact, that could mean the negotiations are just beginning.

So, instead of going into your negotiations expecting an automatic “yes” and zero pushback, go into them expecting at least a little “no,” so that you’re prepared to work with your boss to reach the result you both want. If you’ve laid that groundwork of communication already, this will be easier.

The Bottom Line

Getting where you want in your career requires courage, including the courage to ask for what you want instead of waiting around for that next big promotion or opportunity.

But we know it’s not always easy. If you need extra help working up the nerve to make that big ask, our career coaches can help you. Get started with an introductory coaching call to learn more!

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