Blog > The Greatest Return: The 10 Secrets to Time Management

The Greatest Return: The 10 Secrets to Time Management

How to make every minute count
Business man looking at his watch while on the phone

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In today’s fast-paced and demanding world, mastering the art of time management isn’t just a skill; it’s a necessity. Time is our most valuable resource and time management is our best tool for success. If you’re navigating a sea of never-ending tasks, deadlines, and responsibilities, your ability to allocate your time wisely can make all the difference between a productive and fulfilling career and a perpetual state of overwhelm.

According to the American Psychological Association, 20% of adults are chronic procrastinators and 82% of people don’t have a dedicated time management system. Whether you’re a seasoned executive, an aspiring entrepreneur, or a dedicated team player, honing your time management prowess will empower you to tackle even the most pressing challenges head-on.

Here, we’re sharing ten strategies you can use to reclaim control of your schedule, optimize your productivity, and thrive in today’s competitive business landscape. Let’s get started.

1. Use Technology Efficiently

With streaming services and social media at our fingertips, technology can absorb every spare second of our time. To ensure that we make the most of our time, it’s crucial we take charge and use technology rather than allow ourselves to be controlled by it.

To achieve autonomy, you must prioritize using tools that optimize your time, such as time-tracking software. Furthermore, you must keep a close watch on your social media usage by setting timers to manage your online presence effectively. By following these strategies, you can flip the script on technology and maximize the return on your valuable time.

2. Put Your Goals in Writing

We’ve all heard the phrase, “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” But a more accurate statement is, “A goal without a written plan is just a wish.” Research shows we are 42% more likely to achieve our goals when we move them out of our heads and onto paper. Mapping out your goals in writing will help you get a clear sense of what you want and help you stay focused as you work to achieve them.

3. Map Out Your Plan

Get detailed with your plan by mapping out the exact steps you’ll take to meet your goals. Create written plans to keep yourself focused on how to spend your time. Strategies to create an effective plan include brainstorming, identifying obstacles, and building an action list. Don’t skip the brainstorming step, as it will motivate and inspire your ideas as you progress. Write down the obstacles you anticipate encountering even if they are just in your head. This process will allow you to create solutions to address any potential barriers.

4. Prioritize

You might be tempted to tackle all your goals at once. Resist! It’s a sure-fire way to burn out or lose motivation. Some goals and actions are time-sensitive, whereas others aren’t. Focus on the activities with the highest impact using the 80/20 rule. A simple way to do this is to take action on only the steps that provide you with a high return on your time and get you closer to your goal, faster. De-prioritize tasks that provide you with a low or no return on your time. Follow the plan according to the action steps that are the most critical first.

5. Schedule It In

Build in allotted time in your calendar for the steps you will take towards your goal. This practice helps you build accountability so that you can manage your progress on a regular basis. It can’t be overstated that not assigning a time frame to your goals will hinder your progress and make it more difficult for you to get started. Remember that the deadliest form of procrastination is setting a goal without a deadline.

Start by assigning yourself an ideal deadline to reach your goals. For example, if you have a presentation due by the end of the month, begin by visualizing the end date and your ideal presentation and work backwards. This process might look like spending two days on the outline, an additional two days for research, and two days for presentation and revision. Create milestones for each stage of the process and watch it all come together.

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6. Delegate to Others

Examine your action items and identify which tasks you can delegate to others. Delegating not only helps you maximize your time, but it gives others on your team the opportunity to support you as you work toward a common goal. If you can’t delegate tasks to someone, try delegating them to technology to help with project management, creating automated workflows, proofreading, etc. There are unlimited tech tools available to support your success.

7. Avoid Procrastination

Studies show that 20% of men and women are chronic procrastinators. While it may be tempting to avoid crucial tasks by checking your email or hopping on social media, do your best to stay focused.

Start by creating a dedicated workspace, turning off notifications, and scheduling specific periods to focus on work. Additionally, cultivate self-discipline by using techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique, which involves working in short bursts with timed breaks in between.

8. Get Organized

We waste countless hours when our lives lack organization. Getting organized is the cornerstone of improving time management and optimizing productivity.

A few steps that can significantly reduce disorganization are decluttering your space and mind, utilizing calendars or time management tools to schedule tasks, simplifying, and prioritizing. Get in the practice of regularly reviewing and reassessing your organization methods to ensure their effectiveness, then make adjustments as necessary.

9. Try Mindful Multitasking

Although it’s technically possible to multitask, many people struggle to do so because of our limited ability to focus on just one thing at a time. However, if you must multitask due to time constraints, try mindful multitasking by pairing tasks that require less concentration with those that require more focus. For instance, you might try responding to emails while waiting for a meeting to start or listening to educational podcasts during your daily commute to make the most of your idle time.

10. Let Go of Perfectionism

As a highly motivated, ambitious professional, chances are you thrive on perfecting your work. While many people perceive perfectionism as a virtue, it can pose significant dangers to your goals. If you spend your time making sure everything is “just right,” it can slow decision-making, hinder progress, heighten stress, and lead to burnout.

Acknowledge that perfection is often unattainable and embrace a more realistic approach instead. Doing so will free you from the time-consuming grip of perfectionism and enhance your ability to manage your time more effectively.

The Bottom Line

Enhancing your time management skills can bring about a remarkable transformation in your life. As you embrace more efficient practices while working toward your goals, you’ll experience increased time and energy that empowers you to pursue your purpose with greater success and confidence.

To delve deeper and achieve greater progress, schedule a free, 30-minute introductory call with an Arootah Coach today.

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Cori Estole
Cori Estole
9 months ago

100% agree. My 2 favorites are planning out and prioritizing the action items. I love the specific additional tips for overcoming procrastination, as it’s an issue I often encounter when trying to manage my time effectively.

Kimika Banfield
Kimika Banfield
9 months ago

My personal favorite tip is mindful multitasking. I utilize this time management strategy a lot with work and taking care of the home. I might be on the phone with a service provider but doing dishes while dinner is baking in the oven. I find these small decisions create a bigger space for getting more out of life. Essentially, time management increases one’s quality of life.