Blog > 10 Essential Tips to Transform Your Wellness Routine This Winter

10 Essential Tips to Transform Your Wellness Routine This Winter

Stay healthy, energized, and resilient throughout the winter months
Person snowshoeing

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Now that the busy holiday season is over, winter brings its own challenges. Though winter officially began on December 21, you might have been too busy to notice.

For many, winter presents particular hurdles in maintaining health and wellness routines. The chilly weather often tempts many of us to stay indoors and cozy up, rather than engage in physical activities. Additionally, you might find yourself reaching for hearty comfort foods instead of the nutritious options your body needs to fend off cold weather illnesses.

While it’s perfectly fine to enjoy cozy moments and comfort foods in moderation, it’s important not to completely hibernate and neglect your health. Here are ten strategies to help you stay healthy this winter.

1. Adjust Your Schedule

If you feel like all you ever see these days is darkness — you wake up and go to work in the dark, you come home and make dinner in the dark, etc. — then it might be time to shift your schedule accordingly, to best take advantage of the shorter daylight hours. For example, consider adjusting your schedule to exercise earlier in the day, in the natural light, by going to bed and waking up earlier. This extra sunlight can help boost both your mood and overall energy levels.

2. Embrace Indoor Workouts

On that note, if you find that it’s not the darkness but the cold that dissuades you from working out regularly in the winter because you prefer outdoor activities, try moving your workouts indoors.

Consider going to a studio for yoga, Pilates, or strength training for fitness and mood-boosting socialization opportunities. If you prefer to exercise at home but don’t have a dedicated home gym, invest in workout equipment that won’t take up a huge amount of space, such as resistance bands, dumbbells, or a stationary bike.

3. Layer Your Skincare

The harsh winter air can take a toll on your skin, leaving it dry and chapped despite your best efforts to stay hydrated. This can contribute to an overall feeling of discomfort and diminished well-being. If your usual skincare regimen isn’t providing the nourishment your skin craves this season, consider transitioning to more moisturizing products. Incorporate hydrating serums, rich creams, and even rejuvenating sheet masks into your routine to restore and maintain your skin’s vitality.

4. Utilize Warming Spices

Warming spices enhance the flavor of your favorite dishes and offer a range of health benefits.

For example, cinnamon is filled with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger likewise contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties and is great for gastrointestinal motility. Nutmeg can benefit your heart health, mood, and blood sugar. Cayenne pepper, meanwhile, contains vitamins and can help reduce pain or even clear congestion if you have a winter cold.

Consider incorporating these warming spices into your tea, oats, or winter soups and stews to elevate your health and the taste of your meals.

5. Pick Your Outdoor Exercise Carefully

While gentler activities have their place, cold weather exercise requires more intensity to stay warm and safe. If you prefer to exercise outdoors, select an activity that will keep you moving and your heart pumping to combat the cold. That doesn’t mean you need to hit the ski slopes or go for a run, though. Instead, try a brisk walk, light jog, or even snowshoeing.

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6. Cook with Bone Broth

Bone broth is an excellent substitute for regular broth in soups or as a warming, savory beverage, offering many health benefits. It’s packed with nutrients, collagen, amino acids, and minerals. Moreover, bone broth is fantastic for enhancing immunity and supporting joint health.

7. Use a Humidifier at Night

If you’re struggling to stay hydrated and keep your skin from getting overly dry, consider using a humidifier in your bedroom at night. It will alleviate your home’s dry air, helping improve your dry skin. It can also reduce some of the other symptoms you might be experiencing related to dry air, such as congestion or sore throat.

8. Try Bright Light Therapy

Many of us feel a dip in our mood during the winter due to decreased natural sunlight. To boost your mood, consider using a bright light therapy box each morning. These light boxes mimic natural sunlight and can help reduce symptoms related to seasonal affective disorder.

9. Incorporate Seasonal Superfoods

During your next trip to Whole Foods, seek seasonal superfoods that deliver nutrients and immunity-boosting benefits in every bite.

Some great options include winter squashes, sweet potatoes, pears, cranberries, pomegranates, chestnuts, and walnuts. Pair these seasonal ingredients with warming spices and grains such as quinoa or barley for a well-rounded, extra-nutritious meal.

10. Work with a Health Coach

Lastly, if you find it challenging to maintain your desired levels of health and wellness during the winter months, consider working with a health coach. They can offer valuable information, resources, and insights to guide you toward a more sustainable winter wellness routine while keeping you accountable for your goals.

The Bottom Line

Embracing the seasonal shift with intentional adjustments to your wellness routine can enhance your physical and mental well-being, ensuring you stay healthy, energized, and resilient throughout the winter months.

Book a health coaching call today to see how our coaches can help you make these adjustments and see the benefits that will follow, not just for the winter but throughout the year.

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