Blog > 5 Ways Coaching Can Help You Thrive This Winter

5 Ways Coaching Can Help You Thrive This Winter

Pave the way for a prosperous 2024
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As winter approaches, you may find your productivity levels taking a hit. Factors such as fewer daylight hours, the impending holidays, and the pressure of wrapping up year-end tasks can make many people feel lethargic. The prospect of a late December break might tempt you to put off setting new goals or reaching new heights of success.

However, winter can be just as productive for professionals as any other season, given that you recognize this and take the necessary steps to enhance your career development. One such measure? Investing in coaching.

Read on to learn five ways coaching can assist you in meeting your year-end goals and pave the way for a prosperous 2024.

1. Setting Clear and Achievable Goals

If you struggle to get started on projects, a coach can help you jumpstart your success by assisting you in setting clear and achievable goals. No matter where you’re at in your career, goal setting is vital to professional growth; it’s the first step you must take to achieve success, as you have to know where you’re going before you can go there.

The end of the year serves as the ideal moment to establish short-term objectives for the remainder of the winter, or more extensive goals for the upcoming year. By collaborating with a coach, you can pinpoint the most influential goals to set, those that are most deserving of your time and that best resonate with your interpretation of success.

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2. Enhancing Skills and Knowledge

Do you find yourself with extra time on your hands at work this season? Are there fewer appointments on your calendar? Capitalize on this extra time to enhance your industry-specific skills and knowledge. All professionals should invest in continuous learning and improve their capabilities to make themselves relevant and meet industry standards.

By collaborating with a coach, you can identify the skills or knowledge you may need to improve, so you can concentrate the efforts of your endeavors appropriately.

3. Improving Productivity and Efficiency

The year-end provides individuals with a prime opportunity to not only be productive and efficient but also to assess their overall productivity and efficiency throughout the year. Did you maximize your productivity? Do you sense a decline in your efficiency compared to previous years?

When you work with a career coach, you can discuss these factors and how you can improve productivity and efficiency moving forward, particularly if you need to work on skills such as time management, delegation, or other skills necessary for effective leadership.

4. Building a Strong Professional Network

The end of the year means you have a prime opportunity to not only expand your knowledge and hone your skills but to intensify your networking efforts. A coach can help you identify the types of networking that might be most advantageous for your career progression while holding you accountable to expanding your network in the future.

5. Providing Feedback and Performance Coaching

If your team doesn’t currently conduct end-of-year performance evaluations, now’s the time to start. Don’t just focus on giving evaluations and feedback to your team, though; ask them to provide feedback to you, too, so you can know where you can improve moving forward (and so you can discuss that feedback with your coach).

Constructive feedback is essential for every professional, irrespective of their rank. If you’re not receiving the necessary feedback from your peers, a career coach can bridge this gap. They can offer you valuable insights about your performance and progress, which becomes increasingly beneficial the longer you collaborate with them.

The Bottom Line

Don’t allow the final weeks of the year to slip away unproductively. They can be as fruitful and beneficial as any other time of the year, provided you approach them strategically. While your peers may be slowing down and postponing their goals until the new year, you can seize the opportunity for change now, so you can propel your success to greater heights when January rolls around.

If you find it challenging to kick-start this process, or you simply require additional guidance along the journey, coaching could be an excellent option for you. A priceless resource for professional growth, coaching can assist you in maximizing your skills and flourishing throughout the winter season and beyond.

Schedule a complimentary discovery call with an Arootah coach to learn more.

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